
Maybe I can find better words later.  Distraught and disgusted this morning that our country is abandoning Ukraine, a democratic country fighting for its life against Russian dictator Putin.  Have we forgotten the fundamental lesson of WWII, that expansionist dictators are never satisfied, cannot be appeased and have to be stopped.

Donald Trump told Senate Republicans to kill the immigration reform bill and Donald Trump, in his admiration and affection of dictator Putin is causing House Republicans to not hold a vote on Ukraine aid which would certainly pass if brought to the floor.

Liz Cheney is right to refer to the “Putin” wing of the Republican party.  Our government, of the people, by the people and for the people requires that our Senators and Congress place country over partisan politics and vote!  The Speaker of the House, now captive of Trump / Putin, needs to get out of the way  and bring Ukraine aid to a vote.




1 comment

Steve Donovan

Right On!

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