IT DOES NOT MATTER. He is already weakening out country by firing experienced intelligence and security employees ….. and by imposing tariffs on our nearest trading partners which will ultimately be paid by American consumers. His “State of the Union” said nothing about inflation, the cost of medicine, housing or food costs. It is way more than eggs. He is abandoning our western allies from WWII and inflaming divisions between Americans and our friends abroad. He is abandoning Ukraine. Putin could not hope for more anyway, so why does it matter if Trump is a Russian asset?
LaBoyteaux–Abandoning Ukraine
It appears the United States will abandon Ukraine, a democratic nation fighting for survival against Russian invasion. Trump appears to be cozying up to Putin again, something I could never understand during his first term. Further the United States seems about to forsake our NATO friends and allies in Europe. Although I was an objector in Vietnam, we seem to have forgotten the WWII lesson of Poland in 1939.
It is estimated something in excess of 500,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded. Russia does not say exactly. Ukrains says they have lost about 45,000 soldiers killed and 325,000 wounded, plus 150,000 civilians killed or wounded. The war seems to be more or less at a stalemate with an increasing proportion of the Ukrainian population wanting it to end. My compassion extends equally to Russian families who did not choose this war, even now to North Koreans thrown into the battle. The human race has had great trouble with strong-man tyrants and dictators. Only four generations since the world rose up to swat down that last one. Regardless the agressor, once the blood starts flowingi it seems to find its own justification.
I suppose the answer at this point, not a solution but an answer, is a cease-fire more or less in place ….. until Russia and Putin starts this shit again. When Trump and Putin met behind closed doors in Helsinki, and Trump demanded even the interpreter’s notes be given to him, that was the first time the word “treason” entered my mind. And today our President is tearing down the United States security institutions while inflaming culture war divisions within the country. How deep is the moral abyss? The institutionalized corruption of the Eric Adams debacle may be only the beginning. Border patrol turning off their body cameras, what is that about? The depth of cruelty in mass firings without cause; see my previous post about efficiency not cruelty. Are we paying attention? Or are we mostly working just to get by? Inflation has notched up again. Food prices continue high and rising. Fuel, which had dropped to near pre-covid levels, jumped up again here in the last week. Is it the Trump tariffs?
Has extreme partisan politics brought us to this?
This morning, 2/19, Trump is saying exactly Putin’s claim, that Ukraine started the war. Where is the conscience of our nation?
I don’t have a lot of heroes but Voledymyr Zelensky is one. A very brave man.
LaBoyteaux–Efficiency not Cruelty
Below I outline how I would make the Federal Government smaller and more efficient Would I have done this without the current Musk/Trump/DOGE fuss? I think I would because I have been thinking about this and like all those people lined up at the Park in Eagle Pass, a deeper dive into the numbers is very disturbing.
Of first and foremost importance to me however is how individual people are treated. Wrongful firings, mass layoffs, the gratuitous vengence of cancelled security details, pulling of security clearances, all unnecessary cruelty. The unimaginable cruelty of cold turkey cancelling USAID, food, medicine and medical care to impoverished people. And in the case of firing senior national security officers, it is terribly short sighted. I hate cruelty.
So here is what I would do.
- A government wide hiring freeze and shrinkage by attrition. (Department heads can replace critica skills on an individual basis.)
- Offer early retirement.
- A Transition out of Government” program which allow a limied number of unpaid days off to seek other work.
- A cautious pruning, working with Congress, of programs and branches, which can be combined or deleted.
I would replace DOGE with the “Presidential Task Force for Efficient Government” working steadily and continuously with select committees of Congress. It is not flashy and it is not cruel, but it works.
LaBoyteaux=My Path Forward
The posts here on my web-site are often written from the perspective, if I were actually President of the United States, what I would do. Rather than a cronicle of the bizzare over the last couple weeks, here is what I would do.
First the mid=air collision and crash on approach to Reagan Interational Airport in Washington D.C. just acoss the Potomac River from the Capital. It is never easy to find the right words in these tragedies. The president’s role should be compassion for the victims and families, and support for the responding agencies. Full Stop. I was proud of the first responders’ immediate massive response. I was pround of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for their immediate response, even while efforts to recover survivors were still underway. I was equally proud of the NTSB in their determination to conduct an exhausive and fact based investigation.
Regarding disaster relief for the Los Angeles fires, as well as hurricanes in the southeast, Federal disaster asistance should be immediate and not tied to any political issues. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed a proceedure from experience of multiple disasters. Improvements are possible. Getting people back on their properties is the first priortiy, even if that means a tiny home or mobile home. Reconstruction of thousands of homes will invariably take time.
So far as making government more efficient, my approach would be a hiring freeze, allowing the government to get smaller by attrition and causing the varios agencies to tighten their belts, as did Bill Clinton. Department heads are allowed to replace critical skills only. Evaluation of whole departments is the work of bi-partisan select committees of Congress. Certainly I would restore the security details for several individuals, restore the security clearances of past national leaders of the intellegence agencies. Their experience is valuable. And I would return to work those others terminated by mass firings or layoffs. As I said, consideration of whole departments is the work for select committees of Congress.
I am of the view that abandonment of the North American Free Trade agreement (negotiated with Canada and Mexico during the first Trump administration) and the imposition of tariffs on Mexico and Canada will likely result in increased costs for most Americans. This again should be studied by a select committee of Congress before any action is taken.
On the Southern Boarder I would make every effort to seal off illegal entry even if I have to line up U.S. military shoulder to shoulder to fill the gaps in the boarder fence. Law abiding people who have been here awhile, who have jobs, families and may be paying taxes should not be deported.
While I am very concerned about illegal immigration and energy, one of my greatest concerns for our country is food prices which are already high. A Declaration of Emergency should be for a threat to life, public health or property. Food prices could get there. I would not shoot ourselves in the foot by deporting agricultural workers. We certainly need more farmers.
LaBoyteaux–Inhumane and Wrong
Contributing members of our national community, neighbors, friends, essential workers ….. now comes the deportation. This is inhumane, absolutely wrong and cruel. Law abiding immigrant working families often with U.S. citizen children. Been here awhile, they should not be deported. I keep thinking of Suazo and his crew, patching the pot holes at night on the Francis Scott Key bridge when it went down. The type of hard work that every new wave of immigrants have done in this country.
Wrong, inhumane, cruel and stupid as well. Essential workers, harvest crews, disaster clean up, reducing fire hazard in our forests, all the work that immigrants do. Farmers know that most American citizens will not take these jobs.
We need to stop the influx of refugees at the southern boarder. There are far too many. We do not need to deport our friends, neighbors contributing to our nation.
News this morning says Trump will ban trans individuals from serving in the military. Also wrong. Mom was a MASH nurse in WWII and told us of the trans men and women serving at that time. Honorably doing their part for their country.
All of the above, have we really become this intolerant? Have we become this damn stingy?
Biden letter to Trump
Read the letter in full below.
Dear President Trump,
As I take leave of this sacred office I wish you and your family all the best in the next four years. The American people – and people around the world – look to this house for steadiness in the inevitable storms of history, and my prayer is that in the coming years will be a time of prosperity, peace, and grace for our nation.
May God bless you and guide you as He has blessed and guided our beloved country since our founding.
Joe Biden 1-20-25
Biden’s letter to Trump
LaBoyteaux–Birthright Citizenship, the promise of America
Amendment XIV of the U.S Constitution
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.
LaBoyteaux–Los Angeles Fires
There has been NO interruption of water supply to Los Angeles. The California Aqueduct and the Los Angeles Aqueduct continue to deliver water to the city. Because of the fire fighting efforts, there has been an over capacity issue with water mains within the city and a loss of pumping capacity because of power failures. This is a fire driven by hurricane force winds in a region which is unusually dry. Los Angeles will need to make major adjustments in fire safe construction, urban fire breaks, and threats posed by the Santa Anna winds.
People who loose their homes in hurricanes, fires and other natural disasters did not cause the hurricanes. They should not be penalized or politicized. Hindsight being what it is, it will always be possible to say we should have been better prepared. In this case there were some advance preparations, fire safe building codes, pre-positioned fire engines, but there are also deficiencies. Notably staffing levels in the LA fire department are lower than many other cities. The intensity of a fire driven by hurricane force winds is hard to imagine unless one sees it first hand. I doubt even a fully staffed LAFD could have stropped it during high winds. There need to be physical barriers and sprinkler systems engineered and installed in advance.
For the most part these were residential neighborhoods. Los Angles will have to take steps to keep them residential and prevent opportunists from buying up the land for high end developments. Rebuilding will be slow. Los Angeles should take note of what Hawaii has done after the Lahaina fires.
LaBoyteaux–Results of Election
It is always about the economy.
On not distancing herself from Biden. Addressing issues in practical specifcs tends to do this automatically.
There appears to be a portion of the electorate that is not culturally able to vote for a woman. A misguided notion about strength.
There was more misinformation in this election than any previous amplified by on line platforms.
I remain committed to four principles of leadership, thoughtful, compassionate, honest, strength when necessary.
Cruelty is always the wrong policy.
I don’t want to see anyone killed, so I’m glad that Trump is safe from the attempted assination. However the children of Springfield, Ohio are not safe because of the trash talk that comes from this man’s mouth and the cowardice of the majority of the Republican Party.